The Unexpected Light
註釋The Unexpected Light is a book which seeks to inspire through the experience of science, history, and art, rather than theological rhetoric - reaching out to people not necessarily committed to the Christian faith but perhaps interested in it. The aim is to show how mercy is not just a doctrine, not just a teaching--although these are important things--but rather, a force integral to the future of human life on earth. Peter Fleming examines science, history, art--unified in faith. In a world which is imperfect by its very nature, mercy is a logical response to its people and to human behaviour. The Unexpected Light is a book I have wanted to read for such a long time: scientifically intelligent, biblically literate, passionate about faith, meticulously researched from science, philosophy, history, literature, music, film, musical theatre and poetry, and yet all of it accessible. It is in part moving, instructive, challenging and affirming. The unpacking of the most loved events in the New Testament are as fresh as they are original. Peter Fleming's journey through the Easter events is especially strong. I will be using this book in my preaching and teaching, and giving Peter none of the credit! This book is a gold mine. Richard Leonard SJ Author of What does it all mean? A Guide to Living Lives of Faith, Hope and Love (Paulist Press) Peter Fleming is a novelist, non-fiction writer and playwright who also teaches at a Jesuit senior college in Western Sydney. A regular columnist for Australian Catholics, Peter's works include the novels Falling to Destiny and Falling into History, (which were both snapped up by ABC Radio for The Book Reading on Radio National), Would I Like Jesus? (a casual walk through the gospel of Matthew, published by Paulist Press in 2015), and the musical Frank Christie Frank Clarke! (Sydney Fringe Festival 2012).