The Diaries of a Doorman - a Collection of True Short Stories
註釋A collection of true short stories based on the years that I have worked on the doors in the UK and abroad. This book is a real insight into the funny, tragic and completely bizarre people and experiences encountered by a Doorman. Working Doors on and off for the best part of twenty years, I have seen a hell of a lot, maybe too much! Doormen, Bouncers, whatever you want to call them, are often seen as bullies and steroid fuelled freaks. This couldn't be any further from the truth. We are just normal everyday people! Sons, Fathers, Brothers, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, HUMANS! My book contains a collection of short stories all based on true events the either I, or someone that I have worked with and know well, have experienced. Yes, maybe there is a bit of artistic license in there, but only a bit. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the guilty! Only read this book if you are ready for side splitting humour and a look on the more tragic side of the night time economy, all written by a still active licensed Doorman. With foreword by best-selling author of the genre, and creator of 'Tough Talk' magazine Robin Barratt. Ivan 'Doc' Holiday American TV star of 'Roadhouse Rehab' tells us the differences in the trade between the UK, Canada and the USA and Ryder Scott star of Chanel 4's 'Bouncers' gives us his take on what it was like to be part of the show and how he feels it was portrayed. Find us on Facebook at facebook.com