
Basic Czech I, a modern textbook of Czech as a foreign language with English explanations, is the first in the Basic Czech series. Based on a comparative approach and focusing on communication aspects, it aims to teach the essentials of the Czech grammar in close connection with common lexical topics and situations. Grammar thus becomes a tool that enables effective communication in carefully selected situations of everyday interactions. The use of English as the language of presentation is limited to the necessary explanations, which makes the textbook a suitable material for use both in the classroom and self-study. To facilitate the acquisition of the covered course material, the book contains clearly arranged charts as well as many humorous dialogues. The audio, key to exercises and supplementary materials on both grammar and conversation are available at this website.

Basic Czech I corresponds to the A1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages.

Audio: https://karolinum.cz/en/information-and-services/mp3-archive