Fractured Aquifiers

FRACTURED AQUIFERS presents all current theories about flow to discharge wells in fractured water bearing formations. The basis of the book is the methods developed by the oil industry since the 1960s, and the oil reservoir notation is replaced by aquifer notation. Thus, the book bridges the gap between the oil and water industries and makes it easy for ground water professionals to use. It addresses universities, private companies and agencies working with evaluation of hydraulic properties of fractured aquifers.

Prepared as a textbook and a reference book, FRACTURED AQUIFERS presents solutions and methods of interpretation for all types of fracture flow, including vertical and horizontal fractures and dual-porosity fracture systems. The book includes numerous worked through examples of drawdown data analysis in limestone, sandstone and crystalline rock formations. Correct analysis of data requires a diagnostic phase using mathematical tools that the book describes in detail.

The book includes a problem section for use in classrooms or for self-study. Some previously unpublished solutions are presented, including analytical methods for analyzing well field history allowing for variable discharge rates.

The data presented gives benefit to the book, since such data is usually difficult to find.