Economic Globalization and Asia
Ramkishen S. Rajan
Essays on Finance, Trade, and Taxation
World Scientific
, 2003
Political Science / Globalization
Business & Economics / Finance / General
Business & Economics / Taxation / General
Law / Commercial / General
Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy
The term OC economic globalizationOCO has been discussed extensively in the popular press, by business executives and by policy-makers all over the world. While academic economists have made some excellent contributions to specific, technical aspects of economic globalization, there appears to be a need for economists to discuss the broader aspects of the issue in a more accessible manner. Failing this, the general debate will be informed only by the writings of non-economists. That is the motivation for this book, which is a collection of essays on various aspects of economic globalization in general, but with specific reference to Asia. Contents: Economic Globalization: Finance, Trade and Taxation: Economic Globalization and Small and Open Economies: Finance, Trade and Taxation; International Monetary and Financial Issues in East Asia: International Capital Flows and Regional Contagion: Boom and Bust in East Asia in the 1990s; Liquidity-Enhancing Measures and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia: Rationale and Progress; Choosing the Right Exchange Rate Regime for Small and Open Economies in East Asia; International Trade Issues in Asia: The Nexus Between Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Asia; India''s Decade-Long Trade Reforms: How Does It Compare with Its East Asian Neighbours? (with Rahul Sen); Singapore''s Drive to Form Cross-Regional Trade Pacts: Rationale and Implications (with Rahul Sen); International Trade in Infrastructural Services in East Asia: Telecommunications and Finance; International Tax Issues in Asia: Economic Globalization and Taxation: With Particular Reference to Southeast Asia (with Mukul Asher). Readership: Policy-makers, businessmen, professionals and others with an interest in international economic affairs and international economic policy."