Understanding the Management Process
註釋Every organization established with an objective needs managers to manage its activities. Organizations may vary in terms of their objectives that may be making profi ts through some business activities, or may have some altruistic objectives of providing education through public schools or running health care centres, or religious and other social activities. Whatever be the objectives and goals of an organization, they all share two things in common: All these organizations are made up of people, and certain individuals are to take the role of a manager to manage other people to get things done. Pawan Munjal of Hero Honda is part of the top management of the company and is responsible for almost all the activities of the company and also for its success. In addition, there are a large number of other managers operating at diff erent levels. In every organization, likewise, there are vice presidents and general managers operating at the top-level management; there are Managers operating at middle levels and there are managers or supervisors operating at lower and shop-floor levels. The task and the responsibility of all these managers vary depending on their nature of work and positions occupied by them in the company. The duty of the top management is to manage the whole organization and to see that the efforts of all the people in the organization are directed towards the attainment of the goal of the company. The finance manager is to manage the finances of the company. The sales manager is to sell the product of the company with the help of other dealers and sales persons. Supervisor at the shop-floor level is to manage the production of the product with the help of workers. All managers at different levels have the following duties/role: (1) take decisions to execute the various tasks assigned to them; (2) motivate employees to put in their best efforts to complete the tasks (3) take corrective measures if things are not moving in the right direction or if something untoward happens.