註釋What is strategy?
Why do you need it?
How do you do it?

The Art Of Strategy provides timeless answers to these eternal questions. It is a short introduction to strategy through the insights of three successful strategists: Sun Tzu, John Boyd and Simon Wardley. It is a modern reading of Sun Tzu's The Art of War -- the strategy classic written in China around 500 BC -- using the lenses of Boyd (OODA "loop" inventor) and Wardley (Wardley Map inventor). Each chapter gently transforms The Art of War into a modern business setting and includes material from Boyd and Wardley in separate sections to complement and clarify Sun Tzu's terse, poetic text. The idea is to serve strategy in13 short chapters requiring 5-10 minutes reading time each. Additionally, an extensive glossary is provided since many Chinese concepts are purposefully abstract and ambiguous.As a positive side effect, it may also provide an improved under-standing of the (geo)political gameplays by Boris Johnson, DonaldTrump, Vladimir Putin and Xí Jìnpíng who are all inspired by SunTzu.

"The Art of Strategy is condensed knowledge that all managers, agile coaches and other leaders should have. This is three thinkers from very different contexts. But as Erik has put it, with similarities and differences topic by topic, a fourth voice appears. That voice belongs to the interaction between the three narrators and it gives as much value to me as a reader as the other three voices do." Staffan Nöteberg, author of Monotasking

Erik Schön is an executive, strategist and keynote speaker who has successfully developed and deployed strategy for more than 20 years in small, medium and larger enterprises.