Kristina Welsome
Courageous Humans Who Have Changed Their Lives by Rewriting Their Stories
Key Publishing House
, 2021-11-11
Psychology / General
Religion / Spirituality
WELCOME TO AUTHENTIC. Authentic comes from the Greek authentikos and Latin authentes, which means author.We are each the author of our own life story, and have the power within us to make that story a tragedy, a comedy or a hero/heroine's epic journey. There will be protagonists, plot twists and pivotal moments? but throughout it all we remain the main character. It is when we come out from the dark night of the soul that we remember our inherent self worth. That we know that the one constant in this cautionary tale is ourselves. We are usually our own worst critics and our biggest stumbling blocks to having the life we so badly desire. It is when we realize this that we all become empowered to change the stories we tell ourselves, about our past limitations, our traumas, our fears and recognize that only we can change the narrative to one of forgiveness, grace, compassion and love for our Self and choose love over fear. This is where our true human power lies. In being courageous to lead our lives full out with heart. This is the plot twist, where the hero or heroine makes the journey their own and stands in their true power to find meaning in their pain and triumph over it to create and live a life they love.This is a wondrous thing to behold and the life altering experience I want for you. Join me and these courageous authors who will share their stories of struggle, learning, self enlightenment , hope and triumph?.I know you too have an amazing tale to tell, one that changed your life and has the capacity to change others! These courageous humans have stepped forward to share their stories of how they rewrote their own narrative to change their life to better suit their own desires. And in doing so found meaning, purpose, delight, joy and hope. It is my wish that this hope ignites the human spark within you to unlock your own potential and create a life you love.