Would You Lie to Save a Life
註釋Would You Lie to Save a Life? Love Will Find a Way Home: A Theology on the Ethics of Love In 1968, Commander Lloyd Bucher and the USS Pueblo were pirated on the high seas. They were held captive for 11 months, and Bucher was forced to sign a confession - forced to lie to save the lives of his men. How does Love impact that decsion in a Christian theology? Love makes the world go round. Without Love, little else has value this side of heaven. In this dilemma between Love and Truth, Love was chosen over Truth, but not at the expense of all Truth. Between the deontological and teleological elements, time itself comes into play in the determination of the absolute "rightness" of the choice in perfect Love. How is as capable as Jesus was and is today? The course of Love is a sacred "stewardship of time" that is the highest exhibition of the Christian's own Imago Dei or image of God granted to us in creation. When we are able to follow the Scarlet Thread of obedience perfectly, it will lead straight through all of (1) the areas of complexity, uniting (2) all of the demands of all of the absolutes and run dead center between (3) all of the ethical fine lines. These three areas are detailed specifically.