Seeing the Forest Beneath the Trees
Sinclair Tedder
Darcy Anne Mitchell
Ramsay Farran
The Social and Economic Potential of Non-timber Forest Products and Services in the Queen Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii
South Moresby Forest Replacement Account
, 2000
This report presents a social & economic profile of the Queen Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii non-timber forest products (NTFP) industry and examines the relationship between the forest industry and NTFP harvest. The introduction provides an overview of the Islands and the key NTFP sectors relevant to the Islands. Chapter one focusses on the edible wild mushroom industry, beginning with the international context & the provincial role and continuing with details on the Islands mushroom industry (including harvest volumes, distribution, & marketing). Chapter two discusses other NTFP categories such as berries, craft materials, and floral products, along with any available economic information. Chapters three & four outline Aboriginal & community concerns & interests related to NTFP use for commercial purposes and NTFP business opportunities, and chapter five discusses some approaches to addressing community concerns with reference to such issues as regulation & property rights and experiences in other jurisdictions. Chapter six reviews the business of NTFP on the Islands and identifies ten of the best NTFP business opportunities. The last chapter contains a profile of Island chanterelle mushroom pickers. Appendices include summaries of public meetings held on the Islands to discuss NTFP issues.