International Best Seller
The existence of God has long fascinated the human species. Based on a system of belief and several historical encounters with God, the human society has constructed various religions. Whenever something bizarre bothers someone, and that someone takes refuge in divine guidance, hardcore religious preachers give only one absurd answer : “God works in a mysterious way”.
But has any of the billions of human minds on this planet ever experienced a true Almighty Being?
Or is there a mysterious biological phenomenon underneath the human experience of God and Divinity?
Does a Supreme Omnipotent Entity ever intervene in the daily issues of life on this planet?
In this book celebrated Neuroscientist and International Bestselling Author Abhijit Naskar takes us to the scientific land of investigation where we shall explore the true biological foundation of God and religious beliefs. In this fascinating journey of neuroscience we shall discover how exactly we humans constructed God and not the other way around.