Historical Collections: Or, A Brief Account of the Most Remarkable Transactions of the Two Last Parliaments
Consisting of I. The Speeches, Votes, Accusations, Addresses, and Articles of Impeachment,&c. II. The Bills of Association, Exclusion, and Repeal of 35 Eliz.&c. III. The Several Informations, Messages, Narratives, Orders, Petitions, Protestation of the Lords, and Resolves of Both Houses, Etc. IV. The Tryal and Sentence of William Howard Lord Viscount Stafford in Westminster Hall, His Speech and Execution on the Scaffold at Tower Hill, with Many Other Memorable Passages and Proceedings of the Two Last Parliaments, Held and Dissolved at Westminster and Oxford. V. A Perfect List of Each Parliament. VI. His Majesty's Declaration, Shewing the Causes and Reasons that Moved Him to Dissolve the Two Last Parliaments
出版Simon Neale, at the Three Pidgeons in Bed.ford [sic] street over against the New Exchange, Strand, 1682