McDonald’s started in 1940 in the USA. At that time much of the planet was being terrorized by Stalinization and Hitlerization. German socialism and Soviet socialism had partnered in a pact to divide up Europe, launching World War II, invading Poland together and going onward, leading to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part). It was a globalization conspiracy to make everyone in the world as equal as a cog in a collectivist wheel.
After the Allies defeated German socialism, Soviet socialism continued the sordid plot on its own. Stalin’s anti-consumption dogma had already starved millions to death under his collectivization of food. His get-poor-quick scheme continued to impoverish multitudes for decades.
In contrast, in the USA, McDonald’s began posting the number of hamburgers sold in 1955. The signs over the golden arches said, “over a million served.”
Soviet socialists colluded with Chinese socialists (despite Stalin’s earlier experience cooperating with German socialists). The Chinese mimicked Stalin’s one-size-fits-all food bureaucracy. Soon, Mao’s death toll by starvation rivaled Stalin’s. Their bogus “right to free socialized medicine” could not cure stage-4 hunger (not even pain pills nor palliative care was provided). Soviet socialism and Chinese socialism both independently caused cannibalism (think of it as “slow food”; not “fast food”). While McD’s asked “Do you want fries with that?” socialists asked, “Do you want flies with that?” (Due to the lack of reliable electricity and refrigeration). Similar unhappy meals followed the same irrational socialization chaos in other countries. Socialism is a high-mortality dogma.
In 1991 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ceased to exist because its socialization economy collapsed.
In 1993 “The McDonaldization of Society” (by George Ritzer) was published. In the book, Ritzer writes as if he is ignorant that members of Hitler’s group did not call themselves “Nazis,” but called themselves “socialists” and touted “socialism” by the very word in voluminous writings and speeches. In that regard, Ritzer perpetuates widespread ignorance among college students. Ritzer seems ignorant of the death tolls under Stalin and Mao, who also glorified “socialism” voluminously by the very word. It says more about Ritzer than it does about McDonald’s.
In 1994 McDonald's stopped counting hamburgers served because the quantity surpassed 99 billion. Today McDonald’s is so loved that it can boast that “billions and billions have been served.” During that same time, socialists can boast that millions and millions have been starved. To death.
The USA has avoided many monotonous horrors of collectivization and socialism’s trademark mass starvations. McDonaldization (and other all capitalism) saved us from McStalinization, McHitlerization, McMaoism, and defeated other McSocialization in America. Even so, “The McDonaldization of Society” is used as a textbook in American college classes that bad-mouth capitalism and glorify socialism. Young people are being brainwashed in schools and universities. In how many other ways is the USA being victimized by anti-capitalist propaganda?
The USA was the origin of Nazi salutes and Fascist behavior through the propaganda of an American Socialist: Francis Bellamy, author of the USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. America’s Nazi salute was often performed by public officials in the USA from 1892 through 1942 (near McDonald’s start). What happened to old photographs and films of the American Nazi salute performed by federal, state, county, and local officials? Those photos and films are rare because people don't want to know the truth about the government’s past.
American youth groups (Scouting) adopted Bellamy's American Nazi salute (with Bellamy’s encouragement) AND saluted swastika badges (卐) worn by fellow scouts. Many Americans were accustomed to “Nazi salutes for swastikas” long before German socialism (and Hitler Youth) adopted similar behavior under Hitler.
That helps to explain another shocking revelation: swastikas were promoted in the US military and worn as a patch on the upper left arm of American soldiers in a fashion that would become uniform under German socialism. There are photos in this book!