Ethnological Studies Among the North-west-central Queensland Aborigines
註釋P.1-40; Pitta - Pitta grammar & vocabulary (approximately 650 words); p.41-55; List of tribes indigenous to Boulia, Marion Downs, Bedouri, Cooraboolka, Mooraboola, Burke River, Warenda, Breadalbane, Carlo, Upper Mulligan River, Middle Diamantina River, Glenormiston, Leichhardt-Selwyn district, Cloncurry, Upper Flinders, Upper Georgina; tabular comparison between various words used in different districts - parts of body, flora & fauna, other objects of nature, weapons & utensils, numerals, abstract ideas (Walookera, Yaroinga, Undekerebina, Ulaolinya, Wonkajera, Karanya, Pitta Pitta; Miorli, Goa, Woonamurra, Mitakoodi, Kalkadoon); family relationships (Pitta - Pitta, Kalkadoon, Mitakoodi, Miubbi, Woonamurra, Goa, Wommin); p.56- 70; Social & individual nomenclature; class systems; patronym, or tribal name (Pitta Pitta, Yunda ); gamo-matro-nym (Pitta - Pitta, Mitakoodi, Miubbi, Woonamurra, Goa, Kalkadoon); paedo - matro - nym (Kalkadoon, Miubbi, Workoboongo & Boulia district tribes); hetero - nym tables with details of groups; genea - nym (Pitta - Pitta, Kalkadoon, Mitakoodi, Miubbi, Woonamurra); genealogical tree of Pitta - Pitta native; auto nym (Boulia district); clima - nym (Pitta - Pitta, Kalkadoon, Yaroinga, Mitakoodi, Woonamurra); notes on similar systems of nomenclature - Palm Island, Cooktown, Laura, Croydon (Wollangama); probable interpretations of class system; p.71-90; Sign language, 213 signs illustrated & described, Boulia (Pitta - Pitta, Boinji, Ulaolinya, Wonkajera), Upper Georgina (Walookera, Undekerebina), Leichhardt Selwyn (Kalkadoon), Cloncurry (Mitakoodi), Flinders (Woonamurra), Upper Diamantina (Goa); p.91-100; Search for food, covers plants, gives scientific & Aboriginal name, animals, birds, fish (with note on nets & dams in Boulia district), insects; trading of pituri, route of trade, method of preparing; this section covers foregoing areas; p.101-107; Domestic implements & utensils, details of manufacture - koolamons, native chisels (throughout N.W. Central areas), cementing substance, artificial bending & straightening of timber, water bags of skin, human & animal hair dilly bags,; grindstones, nardoo stone (Boulia & Upper Georgina), baking ovens, fire sticks, yam sticks (Cloncurry), huts & shelters (Boulia, Cloncurry, Leichhardt - Selwyn area); p.108-116; Ornamentation & decoration method of hair dressing, head ornaments, tooth decorations (Boulia, Georgina, Leichhardt - Selwyn, Cloncurry), nets, fillets, circlets, spiral bands, nose piercing (Boulia), ear piercing (Cloncurry), tooth avulsion; (Boulia, Upper Georgina, Diamantina areas), beards (Boulia), necklaces, chest ornaments, waist-belts & aprons, phallocrypts, painting & feathering of body, mutilation, scarification; rock painting - Oorindimindi Station & on old Normanton road approximately 6 miles from Cloncurry; engraving in Glenormiston area; p.117- 131; Recreations - corroborees, details of performances, authorship, the Molonglo travelling corroboree, decorations, gives few lines of Pitta - Pitta song with translation, instruments; details of the Molonglo dances, songs & actions; tales from Boulia district; toy boomerang, throwing stick, whirler, ball games, skipping rope, hide & seek, mimicry, pit throwing; p.132-138; Travel, trade & barter, signs & signals on the road, names of waterholes, camping grounds, rivers, mountains; arrangement of camping ground when visiting (Pitta-Pitta, Miorli, Yunda, Yellunga); details of trade routes; message sticks illustrated & described (Boulia - Pitta- Pitta, Boinji, Karanya, Springvale - Miorli, Selwyn Kalkadoon, Flinders Woonamurra, Cloncurry Mitakoodi); p.139-151; Law & order, fighting methods, interand intratribal disputes (Boulia, Glenormiston - Undekeribina tribe), classification of fighting boomerangs (Pitta - Pitta, Mitakoodi, Kalkadoon, Walookera, Yaroinga, Wonkajera); material, manufacture & flight, notes on the ornate boomerang, fluted type (all areas), plain, hooked types; two handed sword.