How To Set Up An Information Platform For Migrants
Lessons learned from a transnational multilingual tool Danube Compass
出版Založba ZRC, 2018-06-05

Transnational multilingual information platform Danube Compass, part of the DRIM project (Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants) financed by the European Union's Danube Transnational Programme, was created with the aim to improve access to information for migrants in eight countries along the Danube river. What we have learned in the process is what this handbook is all about. Its aim is to support the creation of similar platforms in other regions and is intended for organizations and institutions involved in the integration of newly arrived migrants. It should be helpful for anyone who is thinking of gathering focused information about arriving, working and living in another country. It provides hands-on checklists and ideas about how to implement one’s own platform for supporting migrants’ integration on local or national level.


Transnacionalna informacijska platforma Danube Compass, del projekta DRIM (Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants), ki je financiran s strani EU in Transnacionalnega programa Podonavje, je bila oblikovana s ciljem izboljšati dostop do informacij za migrante v osmih državah Podonavja. 'Priročnik za pripravo informacijske platforme za migrante', s podnaslovom 'Kaj smo se naučili pri oblikovanju transnacionalnega večjezičnega informacijskega orodja Kompas Podonavja/ Danube Compass', naslavlja proces nastajanja te platforme in ponuja koristne nasvete in predloge za pripravo sorodnih platform, bodisi na nacionalni ali lokalni ravni. Namenjen je institucijam in organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo z integracijo migrantov in ki želijo pripraviti kataloge informacij namenjenih migrantom za lažje vključevanje v družbe naselitve.