Fifty Shades of Grain
The Naked Truth about Eating Bread and Feeling Great
出版Independently Published, 2017-09-02
主題Health & Fitness / Allergies
註釋Choosing to eat grains isn't so black and white. Eating gluten-free isn't THE answer to being healthy. Being oblivious to the facts that gluten sensitivity does exist isn't helpful either. There is gray in between black and white and there are many shades of gray to consider so that we can truly understand which grains to avoid, why some should avoid grains and glutenous ingredients at all cost and when and how is it o.k. to consume grains IF your body is strong and healthy enough to tolerate it....hence the title. No one has addressed this issue quiet this way with so much evidence both from scientific community, from ancestral wisdom and from living centenarians.You haven't seen this topic highlighted the way Caroline has. It's an eye opener and maybe controversial.A smart conversation around grains is so powerful right now.This book isn't an excuse to eating bread. Eating bread can be healthy IF we follow our ancestral wisdom pre industrial age. This philosophy and way of living really applies to all foods and not just bread.If you could pack all of human history in one year, we have been farming for and eating grains since about yesterday. We only started consuming Modern Grain about 10 minutes ago, which is when modern diseases came to life.Humans did not have grain cultivation and consumption until 5000-8000 years ago, which is about "yesterday".Modern grain's radical farming practices and processing came in the early 1900's, which is about "10 minutes ago". We'll take a look at what has happened since "10 minutes ago" since we started consuming modern grain and how different it is from our ancestors who consumed grains since a "yesterday" and still showed robustness and vitality. If grains have been consumed for at least 5,000 years and independent studies are showing the negative side effects of consuming modern grains, it begs the question of why are we now facing epidemic rates of modern diseases and disorders.Most of the breads on the market have been adulterated to the point of non recognition (by our bodies). Find out what kind of breads our ancestors consumed that contributed towards their longevity. Find out what kind of breads you can choose right now even though you don't live in the olden days. Let me know show you how to use ancestral wisdom while living in the modern world.Endorsements:"Should we eat grains? The issue is not black and white, as Caroline Aslanian explains in 50 Shades of Grain. Wheat is not the culprit, but what we have done to it! Aslanian clearly explains how we have ruined one of nature's most nutritious grains and what we can do to enjoy it again. For anyone who thinks he can't eat wheat, or even for anyone who still does eat wheat, this book is must reading." ~ Sally Fallon Morell, PresidentThe Weston A. Price Foundation"Fifty Shades of Grain perceptively tours the Great Grain issue of our time. Caroline weaves an insightful and detailed guide to set the story straight for our consumption of grain. Applicable to EVERYONE." ~ Dr. Yoshi Rahm, Functional Medicine Speaker, Founder of Oasis Family MedicineNoodles, rice, bread, and cereal are highly cravable, and for a good reason. Grains have sustained humans in good health for the entirety of our history. Caroline Aslanian shares her knowledge and provides the tools and resources you must enjoy your grains guilt-free. ~ Mary R Clifton, MD, national bestselling author of Get Graduated and Waist Away Founder of Dr. Mary's Reset Revolution Medical Director, 24/7 CallADoc Telemedicine Corp