God with Us
The name means different things to different people. Whether a skeptic, an agnostic, an inquirer, or a convinced Christian, this book will cause you to consider the mysteries Jesus claimed of Himself and help you know Jesus experientially and personally. To do so we must know what the Bible says about Him - because Jesus says that’s where we shall find him – especially if we share our burdens with him. Many who have looked into the Word of God and the historic Christian faith have joined the unnumbered cloud of witnesses that confess the name of Jesus (Emmanuel) “God with us.”

Table of Contents:
Preface to the Second Revised Edition
1. An Event like No Other
2. The God Who Is Also Man: Christ’s Two Natures
3. The Son of God: Christ’s Divine Nature
4. The Son of Man: Christ’s Human Nature
5. The God-Man: Christ’s Single Person
6. The Importance of This Mysterious Doctrine         
7. The Christ of the Qur’an vs. The Christ of the Bible
Appendix 1: The Ecumenical Creeds 
Appendix 2: The Seven Ecumenical Councils
Appendix 3: The Tome of Leo I