Interaction of Rhythm with Phrasing and Tempo Choice in Aaron Copland's Piano Sonata
註釋This thesis will explore the interaction of rhythmic patterns containing irregularly-sized beats with various aspects of piano writing. The purpose of this study is to offer possibilities for interpretation that are gained through an understanding of how rhythmic patterns coincide with such things as linear, thin-textured piano writing verses dense chords that contain many notes. A detailed knowledge of rhythmic patterns and how they relate to phrasing can help the give the interpreter ideas about such aspects of interpretation as articulation and tempo choice. Only the first two movements of the Sonata are included in this study because they offer a rich variety of passages that employ irregular meter and patterns of irregular beats. The method of analyzing rhythm used by Peninah Kanovsky in her PhD dissertation entitled "Metric Hierarchy in Music by Bartók, Copland, and Stravinsky" is the model that is followed in this thesis.