Recognizing that informed, caring adults are critical to supporting early literacy development, Storytimes for Everyone! builds on the concepts introduced in the second edition of the Every Child Ready to Read® initiative to offer practical suggestions for incorporating early literacy information and strategies into the storytime setting. Early literacy experts Ghoting and Martin-Díaz, coauthors of the best-selling Early Literacy Storytimes @ your library® demonstrate how parents and caregivers, children with their eyes and minds wide open, and the storytime presenter can come together to create a storytime that is informative and, most of all, fun. Presenting a variety of songs, projects, and activities, their book
- Explains how young children develop knowledge critical for reading comprehension
- Discusses five vital storytime practices (singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing), which adults can be taught to use at home
- Presents dozens of storytimes for babies/toddlers, twos, and preschoolers, that engage adults while keeping their children in focus
- Addresses how young bilingual children acquire language, the use of science and math in storytimes, and other current research
This book can be used at the library, at home, or anywhere else storytimes take place.