William C. Preston Papers
註釋Letter, 27 December 1837 (Washington, D.C.), Senator W.C. Preston to his mother, Sarah Preston, in Columbia (South Carolina). Preston writes of his deep affection for his mother, and hopes that he "may be able to be a support and comfort to you for a long time yet to come." Preston reports on the arrival of "James McDowell and Susan with Mary & Margaret," but comments that he will not see them much because they "are staying with Col. [Thomas Hart] Benton." Preston notes that he "quarreled with [Benton] about Mr. Calhoun," but now that Preston was preparing to leave office, he had "some notion of reestablishing a passing intercourse with Benton." Preston closes by writing that he had "renewed my acquaintance with Mrs. Madison," presumably referring to his and Sarah Preston's long-time friend and former First Lady Dolley Madison; and letter, 12 January 1843, inviting Dolly Madison for an extended visit in his home during February through April.