Silencing Insecurity
註釋Insecurity is easily the most pervasive struggle of women in America today. We have more ways than ever to compare ourselves to others--who are all prettier, thinner, smarter, more successful, and more put together than we are--and our sense of self-worth takes a serious beating on an almost daily basis. We're tired of simply commiserating with writers and bloggers who share their own struggles--we want real, workable solutions about how to find peace with ourselves.

This is what professional Christian counselor Donna Gibbs gives women with Silencing Insecurity. Drawing from her twenty years of experience counseling women, she exposes the many lies that produce insecurities in us starting from a young age, the result of letting those insecurities get the best of us, and, most importantly, the way out of insecurity--for good. Anyone who is tired of letting insecurity snatch away the joy from her life will welcome this practical and freeing book.