--Ask what You Can Do for Your Country
註釋Where were you at 1:30 P.M. EST November 22, 1963? Most Americans over the age of 45 know, just as almost all Americans over the age of 65 can tell you where they were on December 7, 1941, and Americans over the age of 6 can tell you where they were on September 11, 2001. Vandamere Press is very pleased to offer this all new collection of vignettes from over 100 people dealing with their immediate reaction to JFK's assassination, their memories of JFK, as well as his significance to their lives. The assembled memories are from the famous and not-so-famous, including politicians, civil rights leaders, actors, artists, journalists, Peace Corps Volunteers, members of the President's Secret Service detachment, the soldier that played taps at Arlington for the Kennedy funeral, Americans at home and abroad, and citizens of countries from around the world. Many of the vignettes include personal recollections and stories about the president, while other contributors focus on their role in the final days of the president and his funeral. Among the many notable contributors to the book are Gerald Ford, William Fulbright, Myrlie Evers, James Michener, Father Hesburgh, John Glenn, Jeane Dixon, Cliff Robertson, Barry Goldwater, James Farmer, Margaret Chase Smith, Mrs. Edward R. Morrow, Evelyn Lincoln, Lena Horne, Rowland Evans, Margaret Truman, and Chris Kraft. Complete with photographs and illustrations,...Ask What You Can Do For Your Country, is a book not to be missed, and a welcome addition to Kennedy and Cold War collections.