Study Guide for Foundations of Nursing - E-Book

Get more out of your textbook with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in Cooper and Gosnell s Foundations of Nursing, 7th Edition, this study guide helps you learn, understand, and apply the fundamentals of LPN/LVN nursing. Hundreds of labeling, matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions are included, each with textbook page references. It also includes critical thinking questions based on clinical scenarios, and multiple-choice and alternate-format questions to help you review for the NCLEX-PN examination.

"Useful for student nurses or return to practice nurses wanting to improve their knowledge." Reviewed by: Helen Reeves, St Giles Walsall Hospice on behalf of Nursing Times, November 2015

Learning activities help you meet content objectives, and include crossword puzzles, labeling, matching, completion, identification, NCLEX® exam-style multiple-choice review questions, and critical thinking questions.Page references are included for all activities except for the critical thinking questions, to facilitate your review. NEW! An increased emphasis on NCLEX® review prepares you more effectively for the NCLEX-PN® examination, with more NCLEX-style alternate-format type questions and more critical thinking activities.