The Diary of Thoughts
註釋Everything I wrote in this book expresses my RESPECT for LIFE & CREATION; all that this represents along with the essential VALUES that translate my EXISTENCE as FRIENDSHIP & LOVE, and belonging to this huge family called FEELINGS. I focused my writing on these subjects in an involuntary way as what I write just happens that way, expressing what I feel, even if it is nor correct or not completely correct, even wrong. All these elements, CORRECT or INCORRECT, GOOD or BAD, RIGHT or WRONG, make part of LIFE, and we just have to do our best to UNDERSTAND it the best way we can. That's what LIFE is all about. In this book you can find personal, though subjective IDEAS & NOTIONS about a few fundamental areas of our daily living. Some people just don't think about them; others do but merely try to ignore them or are afraid to express themselves. In the middle of all this, there is the SIMPLICITY that I tried to put in all these words, coming from the written text to some humble POEMS trying to translate some examples that match the different subjects that are referred in this document. I think that everyone and everything are LINKED in some way that we can't simply understand, and CREATION has an "invisible balance" that we're just not able to see with our own eyes but only with our SPIRIT & SOUL. This notion leads me to the conclusion that CREATION is a "whole" phenomenon that will always be far away from our understanding but very present in our HEARTS. Carlos Pacheco, Luxembourg, the 14th February, 2012 Main Cover illustration and text review by Rosalind Machard