
Many gays and simpatico straights view homophobia as a problem for gays and lesbians, but not as a treatable disorder. This book attempts to pathologize most forms of homophobia--to view homophobia as a symptom of an emotional disorder. Homophobia is studied from a developmental perspective, showing how it originates in the homophobe's early relationships. With a scientifically-based eclectic treatment approach, this work uses psychodynamic, interpersonal, existential, cognitive/behavioral, and supportive techniques to treat homophobes and to help gays and lesbians who are the recipients of the manifestations of this emotional disorder.

Though about homophobia, this book is also meant to shed light on other forms of bigotry, from anti-Semitism to xenophobia. It will be of interest to gays and lesbians, sympathetic heterosexuals, therapists, and faculty and students in gay and lesbian studies.