Just A Girl: A Coming-of-age Novel about Innocence, Isolation, Love, Heartbreak, and Discernment.
註釋Just A Girl: A coming-of-age novel about innocence, isolation, love, heartbreak, and discernment. RANKED 6TH BEST COMING-OF-AGE FICTION FOR 2017 BY AMAZON!----------Even as a young child and before she can formulate her words, Paula knew she was not like her family and wondered if she belonged to her family. Her mother whimpered and cried, but she wasn't sad, really. Her dad never said much, and she liked him best. He could get angry though. She stayed away from him when he was upset. Her sister was always mad, even through adulthood. Paula never understood why.As she grows up, rather than rebelling, Paula separates herself, becoming an observer, watching her family's dysfunctional dynamics at a distance. At 17, eager to escape an oppressive environment, Paula leaves her home in Ohio and moves to Washington, D.C., to begin a new life as a clerk typist for the FBI. An annual salary of $4,000 a year was a great way to start. She was confident she'd learned what not to do. Unlike her family, Paula would make unemotional choices and intelligent life decisions.Or so she thought.