Emma Nardi, Cinzia Angelini, Introduction; Line Ali Chayder, Travelling with Art. A learning project for refugee children at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art; Sharon Chen, Kopi, Kueh and Culture; AI Ying Chin, Singapore’s Little Treasures: Innovation in museum and classroom practice for and by kindergarten teachers; Mila Milene Chiovatto, Denyse Emerich, Rafaella Fusaro, The Pinafamília Project; Arusyak Ghazaryan, Marine Haroyan, In the World of National Musical Instruments; Helen Lamotte, Alexandre Therwath, Orsay facile. Inclure les personnes déficientes intellectuelles dans l’élaboration de documents adaptés; Tatevik Shakhkulyan, Nairi Khatchadourian, Lullabies Singing Workshop; María Antonieta Sibaja Hidalgo, X72/Punto de reunion.