His Father's Will
註釋In 1896 young Will is his father's constant companion as the family struggles to make a living on a stubborn pioneer farm in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Then fate strikes an unkind blow and life changes in ways that the Tyrrell family could not have imagined. Will endures five hard years in Whakarewa orphanage, a harshly disciplined place in those times. There follows work as a bookmaker, butcher's boy and farm hand as he grows from troubled boyhood to a young man, looked down on by those who judge according to the prejudice of the day. At the age of nineteen Will is living in a remote settlement in the Marlborough Sounds when he falls in love with the young postmistress. But the girl has seen her mother's health destroyed by giving birth to fifteen children and has made up her mind never to marry. This book follows the life of William Tyrrell, born 24th December 1891. It is based in a framework of authentic material set alongside family stories, events of the time and freely laced with the author's imagination.