Exercise Effects During Diving and Decompression on Postdive Venous Gas Emboli
Louis W. Jankowski
Defence R & D Canada - Toronto
, 2004
Exercise and diving have generally been associated with an increased risk of decompression sickness. Contrary to this association, recent research (Jankowski et al., 1997) has concluded that moderate intermittent exercise during decompression reduced the amount of Doppler-detected asymptotic venous gas emboli (VGE) known to precede the symptoms of decompression sickness. The purpose of the investigation described in this article was to confirm this finding with additional analyses of the data and to compare these findings with the effects of moderate exercise during the bottom phase of a dive. Trials using 39 male subjects were conducted in a water-filled hyperbaric chamber. The subjects were either active or inactive at the bottom phase of the experimental dives and/or during the subsequent decompression. After decompression, VGE were monitored using Doppler detection, and bubble activity scores were converted to various indices and analyzed statistically. The results compare VGE activity between active & sedentary subjects during the dive & decompression phases.