Customary International Law and Treaties
A Study of Their Interactions and Interrelations, with Special Consideration of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
出版BRILL, 1985-01-01
主題Law / International
註釋The Author attempts to establish a comprehensive picture of the relationship between customary law and treaties and, thereby, constitute a small contribution towards a modern theory of sources of international law. The book comprises of four main parts. Part 1 establishes the theoretical and factual foundation on which the subsequent chapters will rest. Part 11 encompasses the various means through which customary law and written rules can interact and influence each other. Part 111 covers the implications of the parallel development of customary law and treaties, beginning with the means of ascertainig this phenomenon. It then explores the particular facets of such an interrelation, for instance the question of reservations to a treaty, or its interpretation or denunciation etc.,upon the customary rule.The last chapter is the continuation of the preceding parts, and their counterpart. It purports to test in a practical manner the results of the previous chapters by application to a selection of single articles of the 1969 Vienna Convention.