Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
註釋Light Energy and Photosynthesis; The Pigments that Absorb Light; Photosystems and Electron Transport; PPj-Fructose 6-Phosphate 1-Phosphotransferase (PFP); The Pathway of Gluconeogenesis and its Contrai; Mitochondrial Transporters; Oxidation of Carbon Compounds; Electron Transport and Terminal Oxidases; Non-phosphorylating Electron Transport; Fonnulation of the Benson-Calvin Cycle; Regulation of the Benson-Calvin Cycle; Reactions Catalysed by Rubisco; Regulation of Rubisco; Reduction of Glycerate 3-Phosphate to Triose Phosphate; Regeneration of RuBP from Triose Phosphate; Fructose .6-bisphosphatase; Ribu/ase 5-phosphate kinase; Control of Flux by Enzymes of the Benson-Calvin Cycle; Properties of the Phosphate Translocator; Translocation of Other Metabolites Across the Chloroplast Envelope; Inhibition of Carbon Assimilation by Oxygen; The Origin of Glycollate The Recovery of Glycollate; The Reassimilation of NH3; Measurement of Photorespiratory Fluxes; Efftux of Carbon Dioxide into Carbon Dioxide-free Air; Uptake of 14CO2; Uptake of 1802; Photorespiratory Mutants; Factors Affecting the Rate of Photorespiration; E The Elucidation of the C4 Pathway; The Operation of the C4 System; Differences in the C4 Mechanism; Intercellular Transport in C4 Plants; Regulation of the C4 Pathway; Sucrose and Starch Synthesis in C4 Plants; The Evidence for Crassulacean Acid Metabolism; The Nocturnal Conversion of Carbohydrate to Malate; Transport of Malate into the Vacuole; The Oecarboxylation of Malate; Gas Exchange in Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Plants; Phase 1: M alic Acid Synthesis in lhe Dark; Phase 2: The lnitial Period in lhe Light; Phase 3: Malic Acid Decarboxylation; Phase 4: Malate Decarboxylation Ceases, as does Glucan Accumulation; Regulation of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism; Crassulacean Acid Metabolism as a Survival Mechanism; Response to Carbon Oioxide and the Carbon Oioxide Compensation Concentration; Fixation in C3 and C4 Plants; Water-use Efficiency ; l Carbon Isotope Oiscrimination; Sources of Carbon for Sucrose Synthesis; Sucrose Cleavage; Sucrose Storage; Feedforward Contrai of Sucrose Synthesis; Feedback Contrai of Sucrose Synthesis; Regulation of Starch Synthesis in lhe Chloroplast; Sucrose Transport; Transport of Sucrose Between Leaf Cells; Phloem Unloading; STARCH; Structure and Occurrence; Synthesis; ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase; Regulation of Starch Synthesis in Storage Tissues; Breakdown; Amylase (I,4-a-D-glucan 4-g1ucanohydrolase); Glucosidase (a-D-glucoside hydrolase); Debranching Enzyme (a-dextrin 6-g1ucanohydrolase); General; Structure; lnulins; Levans; Neokestose Series; Synthesis of I-Kestotriose; Chain Elongation; Oegradation; Fructan Accumulation; Polymers of lhe Matrix; Pectic Polysaccharides; Hemicellulosic Polysaccharides; Cellulose; Structural Proteins; Phenolic Compounds; Structure of the Wall; Cell Wall Synthesi; Provision of Nucleoside Diphosphate Sugars; Monosaccharide Structure Stereoisomerism: D- and L-Sugars Ring Formation and Anomers G1ycoside; Fatty Acids Glycerolipids; BIOSYNTHESIS; Generation or Acetyl-CoA;Fatty Acid Biosynthesis; Formation or Oleoyl-CoA; Modification or 0leoyl-CoA; Assembly or Membrane Lipids; Assembly or Storage Lipids; Assembly or Structural Lipids; Membrane Lipid Turnover; Storage Lipid Mobilization; Membrane Lipid Mobilization; Oilseeds; Non-edible Oils; Designer Oilseed Crops; Sources or Nitrogen: The Nitrogen Cycle; Nitrogen Fixation; The Organisms; I Molybdenum Nitrogenase; IIso/ation and Properties; Reaction Mechanism; Mo-independent Nitrogenases; Integration with Metabolism; Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria; Oxygen; Energy and Reductant; Assimi/ation of Fixed Nitrogen; The Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis; The Contrai of Nodu/ation; Oxygen; Energy and Reductant; Assimi/ation ofFixed Nitrogen; Other Nitrogen-fixing Associations; Regulation or Nitrogenase Activity; Structure; Genetics and Molecular Biology; Regulation; Genetics and Molecular Biology; Regulation; Structure; Molecular Biology and Regulation; Asparagine Metabolism; The Ureides; Lysine Synthesis; Threonine Synthesis; Methionine Synthesis; Isoleucine Synthesis; Overall Regulation or Aspartate Pathway; The Overproduction or Lysine and Threonine; Proline; Arginine; y-Aminobutyrate; Sulphate Reduction; Glutathione; Branch Point Enzymes; Oxygenases; Methyltransferases; Structural Elaboration; Glycosy transferases and Vacuolar Storage; Alkaloids Derived from Amino Acids; Glycosy1ated Nitrogen-containing Toxins; Non-protein Amino Acids; Role in P1ant-Insect Interactions; Role in P1ant-Vertebrate lnteractions; Role in Plant-P1ant Interactions; Nuclear-encoded Proteins; Elongation and Release; Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis; Targeting to Plastids; lnvestigating Chloroplast Protein lmport; Precursors o/ Chloroplast Proteins; Targeting o/ Proteins to lhe Stroma; Targeting to lhe Envelope Membranes and the lntermembrane Space; The Secretory and Vacuolar Pathways; Secretion; Sorting to lhe Vacuole; Mitochondria; Microbodies; Genes are only a Fraction of Plant DNA; Role of Proximal Promoter Regulatory Sequences; Role of Distal Regulatory Sequences; Enhancers; Processing of RNA; Capping; Polyadenylation; RNA Splicing; Control of Transcription; Measurement o/ Transcriptional Activity; Enabling Transcription; Activating Transcription; Post-transcriptional ContraI of Gene Expression; A Note about Regulation at lhe Levei o/ Translation; Promoter-Reporter Gene Fusions; Glucuronidase; Aequorin; Green Fluorescent Protein; Signal Transduction Pathways; Primary Sensors; Secondary Messengers; The Perception of Ethylene; An Ethylene Sensor; One ofthe Messengers;Responses to Pathogens; Induced Genes; The Plant Cell Wall; The Hypersensitive Response and lhe lsolation of Resistance Genes; Map-based Clomng; Gene Tagging: Transposons; Gene Tagging: T-DNA; Isolation of Tagged Genes; IReverse Genetics; Fertilization; Gametophytic lncompatibility; Sporophytic lncompatibility; Barriers to lnterspecies Pollination;Embryogenesis; Embryonic Maturation; Climacteric and Non-climacteric Fruit; Ripening in Tomato; Hormones and Germination; Mobilization of Reserves in Cereal Grains; Regulation of Gene Expression by Gibberellic Acid; Homoeotic Mutations in Floral Development; Molecular Analysis of Homoeotic Genes; Protoplast Isolation; Transient Expression Assays; DMGT and Stable Transformation; The Biology of lhe Agrobacterium-Plant Interaction;Transformation using Agrobacterium; Promoter Analysis and ControIling Gene Expression in Transgenic Plants; Knocking Out Gene Activity by Antisense Expression and Co-suppression; Biochemical Function of Gene Products; Gene Tagging; Herbicide Tolerance; Resistance to Insects; Engineering Viral Resistance; Resistance to Fungal and Bacterial Pathogens; Carbohydrates; Fats and Oils.