The Human Health and Well-Being Benefits of Alberta's Protected Areas: Towards a Benefits-Based Management Agenda
出版Canadian Council of Ecological Areas Secretariat, 2015-02
主題Travel / Canada / General
註釋C2015-900014-9 Disclaimer: The content and views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of their af liations, the CCEA, nor the agencies and organizations referred to in this report. [...] The goal of the CCEA is to facilitate and to assist Canadians with the establishment, management and use of a comprehensive viable network of protected areas that represents the diversity of terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems in Canada. [...] To this end, the work of the CCEA is centred on the following activities: 1. Promoting the value of protected areas for conserving biodiversity and for helping to sustain ecosystems and species for the environmental, social and economic well being of all Canadians. [...] SELECTED RESEARCH NEEDS, AND STRATEGIC POLICY AND MANAGEMENT PROSPECTS • Research ndings substantiate the need for the Parks Division to better understand the health and well- being motivations of different social and population subgroups (e.g., youth, elderly, couples, etc.) in order to inform and develop policies and visitor experience programs in support of health and well-being related pursuit [...] In particular, the THE NEED FOR EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF health and well-being bene ts received by population BENEFITS-BASED MANAGEMENT subgroups (e.g., youth and the elderly, men and women, impaired persons, etc.), as well as the potential policy Parks and other forms of protected areas make and management interventions that could be developed an important contribution to the conservation of and im.