The Amityville House of Pancakes Omnibus
註釋Like a phoenix, gasping and wheezing from the smoke of its fiery death and rebirth, AHOP lives on, if somewhat haphazardly. Creative Guy Publishing announces the first annual Amityville House of Pancakes Omnibus, frightening small children and offending old people as it blazes through a small town near you. Like a cavalcade of Herb Tarlecks on Viagra, AHOP intends to offend, amuse and get some all at the same time. AHOP features the works of four deranged, but really very nice, authors blazing trails into the somewhat suspect genre of humorous speculative fiction. This volume includes novellas from each author, so you do the math. Oh all right, four novellas, for one generous helping of 80,000 action-packed, hilarious words. Well, not all of the words are hilarious in and of themselves. But when you put them all together, oh boy! Also worthy of note is that this book will be CGP's first foray into print, and the print trade paperback version, with swell cover art from New York artist Kris Dikemann, is available through mail order from lulu.com. Novellas included: The Girl in B33, by J.D. Welles, Dirk Moonfire & the Nefarious Space Women, by Jack Mangan, Cultural Clashes in Cdiz, by Jetse de Vries, and Gypsies Stole My Tequila, by Adrienne Jones. All introduced by Sally, your zombie hostess.