Harald Szeemann – with by through because towards despite
註釋by Tobia Bezzola and Roman Kurzmeyer This catalogue of all Harald Szeemann's exhibitions is a compendium of materi als and sources relating to the work of the most celebrated independent organ iser of exhibitions in the latter part of the 20th century. Harald Szeemann's death on 18 February 2005 marked the end of an era. Through the many exhibi tions he staged all over the world from 1957 onward, at first in Switzerland and later as an internationally sought-after freelance curator, he not only changed the way people beheve modern and contemporary art should be displayed, but also opened up a debate on the museum as institution. A new presence, untram melled by history or fashion, a metteur en scene, simply a presenter, or what in the seventies came to be called an "exhibition-maker," stepped up alongside the historically moulded conservator and the aesthetically formed critic. Virtually alone, Harald Szeemann promoted in theory and practice this redefined voca tion of the organiser of exhibitions of modern and contemporary art in the sec ond half of the twentieth century. Step by step in accord with the artists of his generation he devised new forms of presentation, at the same time expanding the notion of art. The new art of the first twenty years after World War II focused on the question of presenting and experiencing space. One thinks of Pollock, Newman, Kaprow, Serra, Beuys, Nauman, De Maria, Flavin or Judd.