Der Leipziger Platz, Leipziger Platz Carre, Lennedreieck
註釋Reconstruction work at Leipziger Platz finally commenced after the squarepent years in the wilderness as a consequence of World War II and theivision of Berlin. The external form of an octagon, which characterized theite historically and gave it its earlier name, will re-emerge in the urbanaster plan put forward by Hilmer & Sattler. The publication provides anxhaustive overview of the square's history going back to its establishments part of Berlin's baroque city expansion. Secondly, there is an in-depthxamination of its development right up to the recent past, including anccount of the Lenn-Dreieck, a triangular neighbouring site hitherto hardlyven considered and the Beisheim Centre, which should be finished in 2002.hirdly, there is an outline of future developments, forming the mainmphasis of the book. There are photographs of buildings already realized,lus outlines, computer simulations, photographs of models and ground plansor those still at the planning stage. This graphic illustration of theuture appearance of Leipziger Platz shows a site well on the way to again