Turn The Page, When You're Looking For A Killer

***Warning, this book contains graphic violence

Diane Bixby had to get out amongst the living again ...

  It was two years since Cache’s accident. I had to quit grieving and move on with my life. Besides, it wasn’t fair to our son, Connor.

  The Manhattan Mall had a bookstore, and I learned a famous author was promoting his latest release at a signing. Connor and I loved books, and this would be a great opportunity for us to do something different together.

  I knew nothing about the author, but fortunately for me, one of his biggest fans was the line with me. He was eager to tell me all about them.

Evan Matthews finally had his chance ...

  My favorite author of all time was promoting the last book in his thriller series. I was able to get the day off, so I could finally meet him. I had so many questions to ask the celebrity.

  I passed the time in line chatting with an attractive young mother and her son. We hadn’t noticed the stacks of books diminishing, and both reached for the last copy.

  Suddenly we were no longer in the store but chasing a car after watching someone snatch a child off the street and toss him inside.


Follow Diane and Evan as they chase a killer through the streets of New York, but only after they, Turn The Page…