Flame Structure Studies of a Lean 20-torr H2/N2O/Ar Flame Employing Molecular Beam Spectrometry
註釋In this report, we present the results of our continued experimental efforts to investigate the structure of low-pressure, burner-stabilized H2/N2O/Ar flames. Coated Pt/Pt-Rh(10%) thermocouples and molecular beam sampling followed by quadrupole mass spectrometric detection (MB/MS) were employed to obtain temperature and species mole fraction profiles, respectively, in a fuel lean (O=.064), 20-torr H2/N2O/Ar flame. Species profiles of H2, N2O, N2, stringent test of the detailed chemical flame model and chemical mechanism for the H2/N2O/Ar system which is presently being developed at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory to enhance the understanding of nitramine propellant combustion and decomposition.