In His Presence

This book is only possible through the will of God. The inspirational messages given to us at times are very evident in this story and are meant for all. God can and will work through anyone whose heart is open and whose mind is still enough to hear that gentle voice speak to them. It is then that we realize how much our heavenly Father loves each one of us and wants us all to have a close relationship with Him.

My name is Elisabeth, and this is my journey with the Lord. I was given this opportunity to share a part of my life with you. Alma, my sister, is truly blessed and has accompanied me through this journey. Some of the pictures and most of the inspirational messages associated with the pictures were given to Alma for us to use in this book.

The pictures are all a gift from God. For this we humbly thank Him and our Blessed Mother, for allowing us to be a part of Gods plan.