Danu Reiki
A Delightfully Simple, Deceptively Powerful Healing Art Gifted by the Goddess Danu and the Faeries
出版Independently Published, 2019-09-11
主題Education / General
註釋It is my honor to share this simple yet powerful healing art. On August 21st, 2019 I began channeling the Goddess Danu and felt it was time to put forth this ancient healing method. I have previous training in Usui Reiki in 2008 and Faery Reiki in 2017 and have incorporated Reiki into my personal and professional practice for many years. I am excited to share this loving modality with you. This book is intended to be used as a course manual only and not a stand alone copy. An attunement is required before offering this delightfully simple, deceptively powerful healing art. Please contact me to schedule your in person or distance attunement. Stephanie Ellis www.stephanieellis.info