
Dr. David L. Katz, head of the Yale School of Medicine Prevention Research Center, provides expert guidance to lifelong weight control, health and contentment with food:

  • Master your metabolism: Use healthy snacking to keep a steady level of insulin and leptin in your bloodstream to avoid surges of hunger.
  • Create a "decision balance": Discover your real feelings about losing weight and maximize your motivation.
  • Control your hunger: By limiting flavor variety at one sitting the satiety centers in your brain make you feel full faster.
  • Uncover hidden temptations: Sweet snacks are really salty and salty ones are sweet--hidden additives trigger your appetite.
  • Change your taste buds: You can keep your favorite foods on the menu, but by making substitutions gradually, you'll come to prefer healthier foods.

With more than 50 skills and strategies provided nowhere else, The Way to Eat, created in cooperation with the American Dietetic Association, will make you the master of your own daily diet, weight and health.