Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election?

The 2016 elections are over, but the debate over the fairness and accuracy of our electoral process has never been more contentious. Hacking, fake news, a 'rigged system,' voter ID challenges, Super PACs, and an Electoral College defying the popular vote count all lead to a common question and concern: Is this any way to run a democratic election?

New to the Sixth Edition

  • New data and timely illustrations from the 2016 elections.
  • Social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) and their impact.
  • Fake news vs. more objective and traditional election news coverage.
  • Election integrity in the face of hacking, rumoring, and instantaneous news.
  • Money—the role of Super PACs and billionaire donors as well as candidates.
  • Updates and refinements to pedagogical features including chapter introductions, end of chapter exercises, and online references in the suggested readings.