Psychology Classics
註釋A Psychology Classic

Originally presented by Anne Anastasi as an address of the President of the American Psychological Association in 1957 this child psychology and nature nurture debate classic argues that the question "How?" offers a much more constructive approach to the heredity-environment problem; as opposed to the question "Which one?" or "How much?"

Note To Psychology Students

If you ever have to do a paper, assignment or class project on the nature nurture debate having access to Heredity, Environment, and The Question "How?" in full will prove invaluable. A psychology classic is by definition a must read; however, most landmark texts within the discipline remain unread by a majority of psychology students. A detailed, well written description of a classic study is fine to a point, but there is absolutely no substitute for understanding and engaging with the issues under review than by reading the authors unabridged ideas, thoughts and findings in their entirety.

Bonus Material

Heredity, Environment, and The Question "How?" builds upon some of Anne Anastasi's previously published work. Among the most notable of these earlier publications is A Proposed Reorientation in the Heredity Environment Controversy; which is also presented in full.

Heredity, Environment, and The Question "How?" by Anne Anastasi has been produced as part of an initiative by the website www.all-about-psychology.com to make historically important psychology publications widely available.