Ofrenda para los dioses del agua
estudio de las ofrendas 102 del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan y de petición de lluvias de Temalacatzingo, Guerrero
出版Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 2021
註釋"This work refers to the artifacts of copal in the offerings of the Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan (TMT), among others; highlights the historical and ethnographic relevance of the ritual use of this resin, over time and its cultural significance, among various gifts of offering, in accordance with the agricultural cycle of corn, sustenance and well-being of Mesoamerican societies. This background supports the study and comparison of the gifts of two offerings, the 102 pre-Hispanic of the TMT and the request for rains of Temalacatzingo, Guerrero. The data obtained express the cultural continuity of honor and reverence to the divine entities with rich oblations, begging them for their mediation to ensure rainfall, development and agricultural production, in accordance with the reciprocal behavior of gods-humans that governs the balance, dynamism and coherence of the universe that both inhabit, where life is a consequence of death, according to the Mesoamerican worldview. The riches offered vary; some survive, though reworked, such as mass reproductions of amaranth gods (tzoalli), that evoke the creation, honor, and sacrifice to the deities of water and war by the Mexicas, and then consume them as flesh and bones of the god. Ahuehuete, copal, yauhtli, jicara, seeds of cultivation, etc., are elements of offering of pre-Hispanic tradition." (HKB Translation) --Verso cover.