An Affaire with God
註釋An Affaire with God, a commentary from a reader: Reynaldo Pareja I have finished reading your book, An Affaire with God. I will qualify it more like a wrestling match where the rules were established by the respect and the sincerity between you and the Creator. At the end, both attained victory but this outcome was the result of mainly your effort. What a powerful recount you made of what I would consider a titanic trek through the labyrinths of the spirit until you found an anchor, a firm rock, a point of Certainty where the search finally came to an end and the longing ceased. Congratulations. There are not many of us willing to attempt taking the inner path in such a consistent and meticulous manner with such honesty and depth. Many are willing to start the quest, though only a few get to the end, and even fewer are able to find answers to their questions. This happened because they got tired along the way and did throw the towel, yielding when confronted with the many hard tasks to undertake along the journey. Frequently, they became disillusioned and concluded that the sought end of the quest did not justify the effort to be exerted.

I never got the impression that through the quest you ever contemplated giving up the search. You always followed your intuitions signals, which were clear and at the same time difficult to read. At no time, did I perceive that you were about to abandon the struggle or the effort that may bring you to the discovery of that unmovable Rock of Gibraltar; that inner place which would open the door to the other dimension: the transcendent world. That world that manifests itself as a continuous state of mind brightening your path, with an ever expanding light, that is bringing you closer to the Source. It is that focal point that illuminates all existence and provides meaning and orientation to everything. It is the primeval essence that permeates all with His own substance because He is the foundation of all.

I found in your writings a new freshness; a new vigor of a way to feel and experience God in a direct manner through everything He has given us to communicate with Him: our intuitive and reflexive capacity; our introspection capacity; our analytical capacity; the capacity to feel the Divine presence in a direct manner, directly manifested in that site where our own divine presence resides. Only a few (very few), are able to attain this perception throughout a lifetime. It is a present, a gift from the Universe. It was given by God to whom you can be thankful for and continue enjoying every single day. Of this attainment, you will never get tired or be able to exhaust the flow that connects you with the Transcendent One, with the All, with the Omnipresent. Your way for finding God has been traversed by some. It is the path headed toward illumination. Even though it is different to those followed by the majority, it will bring you to the same destination provided by other valid means: To attain Gods inner experience. Nevertheless, what differentiates your approach from others is that, along the way, you got rid of all attachments received by you as an inculcated inheritance. You disowned any concept or image that was a part of previous indoctrination in order to start afresh an inner dialog, searching through experiences rather than concepts; direct experience instead of dogma; introspection instead of analysis. You have arrived to a degree of firmness and certainty that, without a doubt, there is nothing that could take away your direct and personal experience. Blessed are those that without seeing, understand; that without hearing, listen; that by searching, find; those that by knocking, get the door of the heart and the understanding, open.