註釋There's no better way to teach the fundamental principles of pharmacol ogy than with this new edition of PDQ Pharmacology. With a logical, st raight-forward approach, it explains this potentially challenging subj ect in a quick, easy-to-understand manner. New to this edition: expand ed coverage of anti-infective drugs, a new section on antineoplastic d rugs, and discussions of recently developed drugs. Filled with figures and illustrations selected to illustrate important principles of drug action, PDQ Pharmacology, 2/e, will assist students to grasp the concepts that underlie groups of drugs. It will help students take a global view of complex topics and understand how individual drugs, or groups of drugs, fit into the big picture of drug therapy. The text outlines the dramatic changes in drug therapy and their impact on the treatment of such conditions as hypertension, depression and infectious diseases, among others. PDQ Pharmacology, 2/e, will prove to be a valuable learning aid in pharmacology education and an ideal resource for review prior to exams. Key Features Incorporates new chapters on fluoroquinolone antibiotics, systemic antifungal drugs, and drugs to treat systemic viral infections (including anti-HIV drugs). Includes a dual-platform mini-CD-ROM with the complete text and illustrations, in fully searchable PDF files