Econometric Analysis of Count Data
Rainer Winkelmann
Springer Science & Business Media
, 2013-11-27
Business & Economics / Economics / Theory
Political Science / Public Policy / Social Policy
Business & Economics / Statistics
Business & Economics / Economics / General
Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy
Mathematics / Probability & Statistics / General
This monograph deals with econometric models for the analysis of event counts. The interest of econometricians in this class of models has started in the mid-eighties. After more than one decade of intensive research, the litera ture has reached a level of maturity that calls for a systematic and accessible exposition of the main results and methods. Such an exposition is the aim of the book. Count data models have found their way into the curricula of micro-econometric classes and are available on standard computer software. The basic methods have been used in countless applications in fields such as labor economics, health economics, insurance economics, urban economics, and economic demography, to name but a few. Other, more recent, methods are poised to become standard tools soon. While the book is oriented towards the empirical economists and applied econometrician, it should be useful to statisticians and biometricians as well. A first edition of this book was published in 1994 under the title "Count Data Models - Econometric Theory and an Application to Labor Mobility" . While this edition keeps the character and broad organization of this first edition, and its emphasis on combining a summary of the existing literature with several new results and methods, it is substantially revised and enlarged. Many parts have been completely rewritten and several new sections have New sections include: count data models for dependent processes; been added.