Visions of Splendour in Islamic Art and Culture
註釋The spectacular format of Visions of Splendour in Islamic Art and Culture allows the reader to view the magnificent sweep of the art of Islam in a unique way. You can see at a glance exactly what was happening in the different arts and countries of Islam within the same period, enabling monuments to be seen in the light of key events. The chart is lavishly illustrated with colour photographs showing the magnificence of Islamic architecture and exquisite objects from one of the world's most important private collections of Islamic art, The Khalili Collection.There is a section devoted to the historical dynasties of the Islamic world, and a list of Islamic rulers, together with a four-page gatefold map encapsulating the global aspects of Islamic history and culture. The Timeline is followed by an essay on the History of Islamic Art and Architecture, with individual chapters devoted to calligraphy, Qur'ans, miniature painting, bookbinding, lacquer-painting, pottery and ceramics, glass and rock crystal, metalwork, arms and armour, jewellery, carpets and textiles, coins and architecture.