The Student's Guide to Studying Psychology

Studying a degree course in psychology, even if you’ve taken the subject before university, requires a whole range of new skills and knowledge. And the 4th edition of this best-selling guide is an invaluable companion. It can not only help you to get a good final degree, but will also support you in making informed choices towards either a career or further study.

Updated to include the latest developments in the field, the new edition provides practical and helpful guidance on everything a psychology student encounters throughout their degree, including:

  • Writing essays and research reports, including how to get your referencing right.
  • Guidelines for researching ethically using humans or animals
  • An overview of research methods and statistics, including qualitative methods
  • Tips on how to approach and pass your exams
  • Advice on becoming a graduate, including preparing your CV and making the most of your degree

Featuring advice to help you every step of the way, the book also includes a library of weblinks to provide further resources to support your studies. This is an essential book for any psychology student wishing to make the most of their degree course.