From the Neighbourhood to the National
註釋This green paper focuses on seven key issues. Chapter 1 is about the local dimension, and builds on the success of neighbourhood policing by giving the public more chance to drive local priorities and more information on what is being achieved and the service standards to the public. Chapter 2 describes plans to reduce bureaucracy and red-tape and increase use of technology. The next chapter deals with the officers and staff of the service. Chapter 4 explains improvements to the development and deployment of the police workforce. Government support for these changes is set out in Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 covers the progress made in working across police forces to improve "protective services" and the further steps the Government will take to encourage collaboration and co-operation between forces. It also sets out the approach to counter terrorism policing and policing the UK's borders. Chapter 7 outlines plans for a radical reshaping of national performance management arrangement.