Combat Kit for Muslim (Islam)

It is with the greatest pleasure that we give you our permission to reproduce or translate* this booklet in any language for free distribution.

This book was solely made for Muslim and for all who want to understand about Bible in a broader prospective. This book was made in response to Christian offensive against Islam. By no means this book is made to attack or hurt any Christians but to show the truth. Intention of making this book is to ease doubts into the minds of the Muslims about the authenticity of the Qur'an and Islam.

This book is to guide Muslim in the right path. Before undergoing using this book I would strictly request you to have all knowledge of Islam.

Our purpose here is only to demonstrate the difference between what we still have remaining today in the original language from Almighty God, and what changes, deletions, additions and interpolations others have managed to manifest in the Bible

BEWARE! Do not take this lightly. We Muslims fully believe in the God of Abraham and Moses and as such, the revelations given to them from God and casting doubts toward those scriptures (ORIGINAL ONE) is totally forbidden in Islam and could cancel any chance of going to Paradise.”

I would request you all to use this booklet with care. 

There are many things that i will keep updating as time permit.

Finally, to my fellow readers all I'm asking of you is to remember me in your prayer and help me to promote this book so that many of our brothers and sisters in faith understand Bible. I hope you will appreciate my efforts and handwork towards promoting this book which for sure will change your life.